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  • First Congregational Church Of Rowley

The Opportunity of Adversity

Scripture: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

1 Peter 4:10

It seems every day we are increasingly presented with the choice to move forward or retreat, to rise or to fall, to be brave or to fear, to shine our light or hide in the darkness…

We are connected to one another as human beings and children of God. Let us summon the courage to persist in this gift of earthly life. To use the challenge of adversity and pain as an opportunity to give and share love, near and far.

To learn patience is not to rebel against every hardship.

Pain and challenge opens us up, and allow amazing things to happen, if we would only recognize and allow it.”

Henri Nouwen

Today's Encouraging Word, Inspirational Message and photos are brought to you by Penny Hurley, on behalf of the Compassionate Care Network.

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