Missions Committee
The Missions Team works to provide support to those in need and to foster a sense of connection among members of our church and the community.
Throughout the year we support people in need through:
Collecting money for the UCC 5-for-5 special missions offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors in Need, Strengthen the Church, Our Church’s Wider Mission and the Christmas Fund.
Providing clothing, sanitary supplies, gift cards and other items as needed to the Triton school district.
Collecting food, clothing, and winter accessories for those in need.
Collecting Christmas gifts and gift cards for children and their families during the holiday season.
Collecting food for the Rowley food pantry.​​
We help foster a sense of community within our church and beyond through several activities including:
Monthly Community Coffee House
Monthly Missions Walks (as able)
Bookworm Café once per year​