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Missions Committee

The Missions Team works to provide support to those in need and to foster a sense of connection among members of our church and the community.

Throughout the year we support people in need through:

  • Collecting money for the UCC 5-for-5 special missions offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors in Need, Strengthen the Church, Our Church’s Wider Mission and the Christmas Fund.

  • Providing clothing, sanitary supplies, gift cards and other items as needed to the Triton school district.

  • Collecting food, clothing, and winter accessories for those in need.

  • Collecting Christmas gifts and gift cards for children and their families during the holiday season.

  • Collecting food for the Rowley food pantry.​​


We help foster a sense of community within our church and beyond through several activities including:

  • Monthly Community Coffee House 

  • Monthly Missions Walks (as able)

  • Bookworm Café once per year​

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